Sources of sound files ====================== General Notes: On Ubuntu Saucy and Trust, offenc segfaults while encoding the PCM files so you might want to try sox -t raw -e signed-integer -c 2 -r 44100 -b 16 beep100.pcm my_sound.ogg on those instead. silence.ogg ----------- Notes: Generated 2 secs of silence - dd if=/dev/zero of=silence.pcm bs=176400 count=2 ; oggenc -r silence.pcm Generated by Neil Muller, Aug 2010 Not copyrightable. zzzzz.ogg --------- Notes: Generated by: tools/ 25 0.5 50 ; oggenc -o zzzzz.ogg -r beep100.pcm Generate by Simon Cross, May 2014 License: MIT-style permissive license - see LICENSE.txt error.ogg --------- Notes: Generated by: tools/ 1000 0.25 ; oggenc -o error.ogg -r beep1000.pcm Generated by Neil Muller, May 2014 License: MIT-style permissive license - see LICENSE.txt startup.ogg ----------- Notes: Generated by: tools/ 200 0.25 ; tools/ 400 0.25 ; tools/ 600 0.25 ; tools/ 800 0.25 ; cat beep200.pcm beep400.pcm beep600.pcm beep800.pcm > startup.pcm ; oggenc -o startup.ogg -r startup.pcm Generated by Neil Muller, May 2014 License: MIT-style permissive license - see LICENSE.txt shutdown.ogg ------------ Notes: Generated by: tools/ 200 0.25 ; tools/ 400 0.25 ; tools/ 600 0.25 ; tools/ 800 0.25 ; cat beep800.pcm beep600.pcm beep400.pcm beep200.pcm > shutdown.pcm ; oggenc -o shutdown.ogg -r shutdown.pcm Generated by Stefano Rivera, May 2014 License: MIT-style permissive license - see LICENSE.txt zoop.ogg -------- Notes: Generated by: for ((j=500; $j < 800; j= $j+20 )); do python ../../tools/ $j 0.01 50; done cat beep5??.pcm beep6??.pcm beep7??.pcm > zoop.pcm oggenc -o zoop.ogg -r zoop.pcm Generated by Neil Muller, May 2014 License: MIT-style permissive license - see LICENSE.txt chirp.ogg --------- Notes: Generate by: python ../../tools/ 1650 0.05 50 ; python ../../tools/ 1450 0.05 50 cat beep1450.pcm beep1650.pcm > chirp.pcm oggenc -o chirp.ogg -r chirp.pcm Generated by Neil Muller, May 2014 License: MIT-style permissive license - see LICENSE.txt grind.ogg --------- Notes: Generate by: ./tools/ 25 0.01 25 ; ./tools/ 120 0.01 25 ; ./tools/ 150 0.01 25 ; ./tools/ 170 0.01 25 ; ./tools/ 200 0.01 25 ; ./tools/ 250 0.01 25 ; ./tools/ 350 0.01 25 ; ./tools/ 300 0.01 25 cat beep100.pcm beep250.pcm beep100.pcm beep200.pcm beep170.pcm beep300.pcm beep170.pcm beep100.pcm beep300.pcm beep120.pcm beep100.pcm beep300.pcm beep170.pcm beep120.pcm beep200.pcm beep170.pcm beep150.pcm beep300.pcm beep250.pcm beep350.pcm beep350.pcm beep120.pcm beep150.pcm beep300.pcm beep120.pcm beep200.pcm beep150.pcm beep200.pcm beep100.pcm beep120.pcm beep100.pcm beep300.pcm beep350.pcm beep200.pcm beep100.pcm beep300.pcm beep200.pcm beep200.pcm beep120.pcm beep250.pcm beep120.pcm beep100.pcm beep150.pcm beep100.pcm beep350.pcm beep120.pcm beep170.pcm beep170.pcm beep250.pcm beep170.pcm beep250.pcm beep100.pcm beep170.pcm beep350.pcm beep250.pcm beep150.pcm beep250.pcm beep200.pcm beep350.pcm beep120.pcm beep100.pcm beep120.pcm beep350.pcm beep100.pcm beep120.pcm beep200.pcm beep170.pcm beep300.pcm beep350.pcm beep100.pcm beep300.pcm beep120.pcm beep350.pcm beep250.pcm beep350.pcm beep150.pcm beep100.pcm > grind.pcm oggenc -o grind.ogg -r grind.pcm # order selected by: #! /bin/python import random files = ['beep100.pcm', 'beep150.pcm', 'beep200.pcm', 'beep350.pcm', 'beep120.pcm', 'beep170.pcm', 'beep250.pcm', 'beep300.pcm'] cmd = 'cat beep100.pcm %s beep100.pcm > grind.pcm' rnd = [] for x in range(75): rnd.append(random.choice(files)) print cmd % ' '.join(rnd) Generated by Neil Muller, May 2014 License: MIT-style permissive license - see LICENSE.txt