-* Five levels
+* Bug: have to click lights multiple times to turn them back on after the power has died
+* Allow denser turnip spacing
+* Allow going down to zero seeds by buying lights if a turnip is planted
+* Maybe make the mould weaker at the start
+* Different prices for different lights
+* Different power usage for different lights
+* Calculate both from # of colours, speed, beam width, etc.?
+* Display power usage when lights are bought
+* Maybe also display information next to existing lights (on click?)
+* Generally balance the levels better and add more levels
+* Graphical level selection with screenshots
+* Fast forward button for night-time (calculate more steps between redraws; play sounds sped up and with higher pitch)
+* High scores
+* Level editor?
* Image for pulsating lamp
* Add placement error sounds
* Add sound for battery going dead
+* Five levels