--- /dev/null
+import pymunk as p
+import pymunk.pygame_util as pgu
+import pygame
+import pygame.locals as pgl
+import pygame.draw
+import pygame.time
+import random
+pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), pgl.SWSURFACE)
+step = 0.01
+#step = 0
+space = p.Space()
+shape_filter = p.ShapeFilter(mask=p.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS)
+s1_filter = p.ShapeFilter(mask=p.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS^1, categories=1)
+s2_filter = p.ShapeFilter(mask=p.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS^2, categories=2)
+b1 = p.Body(0, 0, p.Body.STATIC)
+b2 = p.Body(0, 0, p.Body.STATIC)
+b1.position = (400, 350)
+b2.position = (400, 350)
+s1 = p.Poly(b1, ((0, 0), (100, 100), (100, 0)))
+s3 = p.Poly(b1, ((0, 0), (130, -100), (130, 0)))
+s4 = p.Poly(b1, ((0, 0), (random.randint(-150, -50), random.randint(-150, -50)),
+ (random.randint(-150, -50), -200)))
+s2 = p.Poly(b2, ((0, 0), (900, 50), (900, 500)))
+space.add(b1, s1, s3, s4)
+#space.add(b2, s2)
+#s1.filter = s1_filter
+#s2.filter = s2_filter
+running = True
+surface = pygame.display.get_surface()
+clock = pygame.time.Clock()
+b2.angle -= 0.15
+while running:
+ for ev in pygame.event.get():
+ if ev == pgl.QUIT:
+ running = False
+ if ev.type == pgl.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pgl.K_q:
+ running = False
+ if ev.type == pgl.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pgl.K_ESCAPE:
+ running = False
+ surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
+ # stationary triangle2
+ for i, s in enumerate(b1.shapes):
+ points = [pgu.to_pygame(b1.local_to_world(x), surface) for x in s.get_vertices()]
+ pygame.draw.polygon(surface, (128, 0, i*64), points)
+ # moving triangle
+ b2.angle += step
+ points = [pgu.to_pygame(b2.local_to_world(x), surface) for x in s2.get_vertices()]
+ pygame.draw.polygon(surface, (64, 64, 0), points)
+ hits = space.shape_query(s2)
+ if hits:
+ points = [b2.local_to_world(x) for x in s2.get_vertices()]
+ info1 = space.segment_query_first(points[1], points[0], 0.1, shape_filter)
+ info2 = space.segment_query_first(points[2], points[0], 0.1, shape_filter)
+ for s in b1.shapes:
+ draw_points = [pgu.to_pygame(points[0], surface)]
+ for x in s.get_vertices():
+ x = b1.local_to_world(x)
+ for ss in b2.shapes:
+ query = ss.point_query(x)
+ if query.distance < -0.01:
+ #print x, query
+ draw_points.append(pgu.to_pygame(x, surface))
+ if info1 and info1.point.get_dist_sqrd(points[0]) > 5 and info1.shape is s:
+ p1 = pgu.to_pygame(info1.point, surface)
+ pygame.draw.circle(surface, (0, 255, 0), p1, 1)
+ draw_points.append(p1)
+ if info2 and info2.point.get_dist_sqrd(points[0]) > 5 and info2.shape is s:
+ p2 = pgu.to_pygame(info2.point, surface)
+ pygame.draw.circle(surface, (0, 0, 255), p2, 1)
+ draw_points.append(p2)
+ #print draw_points, info1, info2
+ if len(draw_points) >= 3:
+ pygame.draw.polygon(surface, (128, 128, 0), draw_points)
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ clock.tick(60)