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HelpItem(("32", "pause.png"), (
"You can pause the game during the night if you need to make a"
" more detailed analysis of why you're losing horribly.")),
+ HelpItem(("32", "day.png"), (
+ "If you have run out of turnips, you can click this button to"
+ " skip to the next day. Or you can keep playing with your lights."
+ " If you have no power left either, or you are completely"
+ " bankrupt, the night will end automatically.")),
# Special mould assembly
loader.load_image("32", "eyeballA.png").convert_alpha(),
(10, 10), None)
+ items[1]._img.blit(
+ loader.load_image("32", "eyelid.png").convert_alpha(),
+ (10, 10), None)
return items
'32', 'exit.png', name='exit', pos=(SCREEN_SIZE[0] - 50, y)))
return tools
+ def add_day_button(self):
+ y = SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 40
+ self._tools.append(ImageButton(
+ '32', 'day.png', name='day', pos=(SCREEN_SIZE[0] - 200, y)))
def turnip_count(self):
return len(self._turnips)
elif tool.name == 'exit':
from .menu import MenuScene
+ elif tool.name == 'day':
+ self._to_day()
def toggle_pause(self):
self._paused = not self._paused
if not self._mould.alive():
+ if not self.turnip_count:
+ self.add_day_button()
def exit(self, gamestate):
turnip_data = [turnip.serialize() for turnip in self._turnips]