This is the repo for the koperkapel team entry for pyweek 21. Quickstart ========== The koperkapel entry uses pygame-zero. Pygame-zero requires Python 3. Instructions for installing pygame-zero on various operating systems can be found at Running the game ================ This game requires Python 3. Run the game using: $ python -m koperkapel or, if your default python is Python 2, $ python3 -m koperkapel or just $ ./ Playing the game =============== Arrow keys move the hero 'C' interacts with objects in the world you're standing on, and picks up items in the world 'X' fires 'Z' switches to the roach management screen, which allows you to use some of the items in the world, or switches back from the roach management window. 'V' switches you in and out of vehicles. The roach management screen is mouse driven. Click on seats (the ovals on the left) to select them. Click of the cockroaches on the right to add them to the seats. Serums can be applied by clicking on them in the inventory. Serums increase your stats (strength, speed and intelligence). Currently only intelligence is useful as it controls which keypads you can open. Your health is dependant on the number of roaches you control. More roaches means more health. When you take damage, roaches may die and your health drops. ESC returns you to the main menu.