#fake Makefile for tabakrolletjie, to support the common # ./configure;make;make install PYTHON = python #build: Setup setup.py build: setup.py $(PYTHON) setup.py build #install: Setup setup.py install: setup.py $(PYTHON) setup.py install #Setup: # $(PYTHON) configure.py test check tests: $(PYTHON) run_tests.py testall: python2.5 setup.py test python2.6 setup.py test python3.1 setup.py test make checkdocs #docs: install # cd docs/utils # $(PYTHON) makedocs.py clean: rm -rf build dist MANIFEST .coverage rm -f tabakrolletjie/*~ rm -rf bin develop-eggs eggs parts .installed.cfg tabakrolletjie.egg-info find . -name *.pyc -exec rm {} \; find . -name *.swp -exec rm {} \; $(PYTHON) setup.py clean # push changes push: #bzr push lp:tabakrolletjie svn commit # commit changes commit: #bzr commit svn commit #upload to pypi upload: make clean #if you have your gpg key set up... sign your release. #$(PYTHON) setup.py sdist upload --sign --identity="Your Name " $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist upload sdist: make clean make testall $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist checkdocs: $(PYTHON) setup.py checkdocs -setuptools showdocs: $(PYTHON) setup.py showdocs -setuptools coverage: coverage run run_tests.py coverage report -m