Optional remove win actions once they're used.
[naja.git] / debian / control
1 Source: robolock-ii
2 Maintainer: Stefano Rivera <stefanor@debian.org>
3 Section: games
4 Priority: optional
5 Build-Depends:
6  debhelper (>= 7.0.50~),
7  dh-python,
8  python,
9  python-setuptools (>= 0.6b3),
10  python-yaml
11 Standards-Version: 3.9.5
12 X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
13 Homepage: http://www.robolock-ii.org/
14 Vcs-Git: git://ctpug.org.za/naja.git
15 Vcs-Browser: https://ctpug.org.za/git/naja
17 Package: robolock-ii
18 Architecture: all
19 Depends:
20  python,
21  python-pygame (>= 1.9.1),
22  ${misc:Depends},
23  ${python:Depends}
24 Description: 8-bit style puzzle board game
25  You are a robot, frantically trying to set the correct bits to gain points,
26  for reasons that are unlikely to ever become clear.
27  .
28  Each tile on the board has several possible actions, some of which require
29  bits to be set.