--- /dev/null
+""" What's going on?! """
+from textwrap import wrap
+import pymunk
+import pygame.locals as pgl
+from .base import BaseScene
+from ..widgets import ImageButton
+from ..constants import SCREEN_SIZE, FONTS, COLOURS
+from ..loader import loader
+from ..events import SceneChangeEvent
+from ..transforms import Multiply, NullTransform, ColourWedges
+class HelpItem(object):
+ FONT = loader.load_font(FONTS['sans'], size=14)
+ def __init__(self, imgparts, label, transform=NullTransform()):
+ self._img_size = int(imgparts[0])
+ self._img = loader.load_image(*imgparts, transform=transform).convert_alpha()
+ maxwidth = SCREEN_SIZE[0] / 2 - self._img_size
+ wrap_width = int(2.25 * maxwidth / self.FONT.get_height())
+ self._text = [self.FONT.render(text, True, COLOURS["white"]) for text in wrap(label, wrap_width)]
+ def render(self, surface, height, x_offset=0):
+ surface.blit(self._img, (x_offset, height), None)
+ for t in self._text:
+ surface.blit(t, (x_offset + self._img_size + 5, height), None)
+ height += self.FONT.get_height()
+class HelpScene(BaseScene):
+ def enter(self, gamestate):
+ self._space = pymunk.Space()
+ font_title = loader.load_font(FONTS['bold'], size=32)
+ self._title = font_title.render("Help! What's going on?!", True, COLOURS["white"])
+ self._tools = self.create_tools(gamestate)
+ self._items = self.create_items(gamestate)
+ def create_tools(self, gamestate):
+ tools = []
+ tools.append(ImageButton(
+ '32', 'exit.png', name='exit', pos=(SCREEN_SIZE[0] - 50, SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 40)))
+ return tools
+ def create_items(self, gamestate):
+ items = [
+ HelpItem(("48", "turnip3.png"), "This is a space turnip, the most valuable vegetable in the universe. A crucial ingredient of longevity serum, space navigator tonic and a pink sweet that everyone loves."),
+ HelpItem(("64", "mouldA.png"), "This is Boyd the space mould. He loves turnips. You've disinfected your ship a thousand times, but somehow he shows up on every planet at night to devour your crop. He is vulnerable to light, but beware -- he builds up a resistance if you overuse the same colour."),
+ HelpItem(("32", "seed.png"), "This is a turnip seed. You get a limited number of these at the start of a level. You can plant them, and you can use them to buy lights to protect your crop. Turnips which survive to harvest yield more seeds."),
+ HelpItem(("48", "lamp.png"), "This is a lamp. It comes in many colours, and has some other varying properties. It is powered by your farm's battery during the night. The battery recharges during the day.", transform=Multiply(colour=COLOURS["yellow"])),
+ HelpItem(("48", "spotlight.png"), "This is a spotlight. Unlike a lamp, it has a rotating beam. Lights can be multicoloured, like this one. You can toggle lights on and off at night to conserve power, and toggle the colour of multicoloured lights.", transform=ColourWedges(colours=("red", "green"))),
+ HelpItem(("32", "night.png"), "When you have finished planting seeds and placing lights, you can prepare for Boyd's night-time onslaught by clicking this button."),
+ HelpItem(("32", "pause.png"), "You can pause the game during the night if you need to make a more detailed analysis of why you're losing horribly."),
+ #HelpItem(("", ""), ""),
+ #HelpItem(("", ""), ""),
+ ]
+ # Special mould assembly
+ items[1]._img.blit(loader.load_image("32", "mouldB.png").convert_alpha(), (30, 30), None)
+ items[1]._img.blit(loader.load_image("32", "eyeballA.png").convert_alpha(), (10, 10), None)
+ return items
+ def render(self, surface, gamestate):
+ surface.fill(COLOURS["blue"])
+ pos = ((surface.get_width() - self._title.get_width()) / 2, 5)
+ surface.blit(self._title, pos, None)
+ height = 50
+ x_offset = 0
+ for item in self._items:
+ item.render(surface, height, x_offset)
+ height += max(item._img_size, item.FONT.get_height() * len(item._text))
+ height += 5
+ if height > SCREEN_SIZE[1]:
+ height = 50
+ x_offset = SCREEN_SIZE[0] / 2
+ def event(self, ev, gamestate):
+ if ev.type == pgl.KEYDOWN:
+ if ev.key in (pgl.K_q, pgl.K_ESCAPE):
+ from .menu import MenuScene
+ SceneChangeEvent.post(scene=MenuScene())
+ elif ev.type == pgl.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ if ev.button == 1:
+ # Check tools
+ for tool in self._tools:
+ if tool.pressed(ev):
+ if tool.name == 'exit':
+ from .menu import MenuScene
+ SceneChangeEvent.post(scene=MenuScene())
TextButton("Load Level", (255, 255, 255), name='load level'),
TextButton("Start Game (Day)", (255, 255, 255), name='start game'),
TextButton("Load Saved Game", (255, 255, 255), name='load game'),
+ TextButton("Help", (255, 255, 255), name='help'),
def render(self, surface, gamestate):
from .load_level import LoadLevelScene
+ def _do_help(self):
+ from .help import HelpScene
+ SceneChangeEvent.post(scene=HelpScene())
def event(self, ev, gamestate):
if ev.type == pgl.KEYDOWN:
if ev.key in (pgl.K_q, pgl.K_ESCAPE):
elif ev.key == pgl.K_l:
+ elif ev.key == pgl.K_h:
+ self._do_help()
elif ev.type == pgl.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
pressed = self._get_pressed(ev)
if pressed == 'load level':
elif pressed == 'start game':
+ elif pressed == 'help':
+ self._do_help()
elif pressed:
print 'Pressed', pressed